Quận 7 - TPHCM: Lưới sợi thuỷ tinh - Vật liệu Chống thấm, chống dột, chống nứt bê tông và vật liệu phủ sàn trong xây dựng


Smartflex is a liquid - applied waterproofing membrane. It is a unique blend of special cement polymer and fine quartz. Smartflex is supplied in two component sets. When mixed, the two components form an easy - to - apply slurry. The Smartflex slurry dries to form a flexible waterproofing membrane. This membrane can bridge cracks and is firmly bonded to the substrate. Smartflex is non - toxic and is specially suited for damp surfaces. Smartflex a superior formulation with high polymer content. This product has good elongation & bond strength capabilities and is suitable for a wide range of water-retaining / water-excluding structures. Typically used for Swimming pools, Basement, Water tank, Lift pit, Terrace, Roofs, Bathroom, Water tanks, Green roof - Planter box (grass, shrubs, not for a big tree, bamboo, coconut,...),...


Smartflex cementitious flexible waterproofing membrane, two components

Smartflex cementitious flexible waterproofing membrane, two components

Smartflex cementitious flexible waterproofing membrane, two components

Smartflex cementitious flexible waterproofing membrane, two components

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